We started with two pre-made doughs - one normal, one whole wheat. My best piece of advice for making pizza at home is to let your dough warm to room temperature. It becomes more pliable and does not resist you as much when it has had a chance to warm a bit. After stretching the doughs sufficiently, we placed them on greased cookie sheets and then added toppings.
Right: tikka masala sauce with pulled pork, sliced onions, goat cheese,and dried cranberries
Left: korma sauce with sauteed mushrooms, fresh tomato, goat cheese, garlic, cilantro, and chopped hazelnuts
I wish I could say I came up with these flavor schemes, but the credit must go to another who's culinary creativity surpasses/complements my own. The pork pizza was very nice, especially on the whole-wheat crust. But my hands down favorite was the korma pizza because the flavors on it melded together to a satisfying whole. It's not very often that I can say I'm completely satisfied with a dish I've made. It's either too salty, or needs some more spices, or slightly overdone, or many various and asunder issues. But this pizza was delicious and I don't know of one thing I would do to change the flavors on it. So the lesson here is you never know how much you can surprise yourself, even when making a shortcut dinner such as this one. Pizza is a wonderful way to show off your creativity because you have any number of toppings to add in an infinite number of combinations. And, if all else fails, there's nothing wrong with your everyday, run-of-the-mill ham and pineapple.
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