Initially I did not feel that creative. I thought I would just cook up some high-carb deliciousness and maybe some veggies, then call it a night. Nothing blog-worthy. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized I wanted something more from my spur of the moment repast. After looking through my fridge and freezer, the ideas started flowing, so much so I had to stop myself from putting everything together in a gamish of contradicting flavors. I decided to break it all up into two parts: main dish and veggie side-dish. The main dish (in the foreground) is from a pack of store-bought tortellini (chicken-prosciutto). After cooking them, I wilted some spinach in olive oil and lots of garlic (4 medium cloves). Then I mixed in the pasta and even let it brown a little bit on the outside (kind of like pirogi), then topped it with some shaved parmiggiano. For the side dish, I sliced a carrot and chopped up a bundle of broccolini, then cooked them in a saucepan with some butter until they were tender. I added a good dose of Marsala wine and let the sauce reduce. The tortellini's saltiness matched the heavy garlic flavors. The Marsala sauce went very nicely with the carrots and pretty well with the broccolini as well. I'm glad I took time to cook this all because by the time I was done with my first portion, I was too full to go back for another helping. It seems my own creativity helped save my New Year's resolution of eating healthier in tact.
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