You may notice some similarities in the preparation of this dish with chicken parmigiana (parmesan). Start by finding some turkey breast cut into slices between one quarter to one half of an inch thick. Wrap each slice with a thin piece of prosciutto. Coat each piece with seasoned breadcrumbs. Alternatively, you can cover each with flour, dip into an egg wash, then the breadcrumbs. I chose the simpler route because a) it was easier, and b) I was out of eggs. Cook these up in a pan until they are golden brown. While they are cooking, chop 3 cloves of garlic with 1 small bottle of capers, 1 tsp red wine vinegar, and a few tsp of olive oil. Once the meat is done (be sure it cooks all the way through), plate it and top it with the caper sauce (mixed well). I served it with some colorful pasta I bought in Italy as well as some garlicy bread. This sauce was very good, nicely salty and the vinegar gave it some depth of flavor, though I'm sure the prosciutto helped too.
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